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CancerLynx - we prowl the net

Search CancerLynx Cancerlynx Team

Advanced Searches and Sitemap are available at our sister site

For a simple search - Use the form below to search through the files at Cancerlynx - We Prowl the Net for topics of interest.

Text to Search For:
Boolean: Case

Tips ---
Begin with your search words, for example, pain, or medication, or a short phrase which includes the words pain and/or medication. If this does not produce the desired material, try adding words -- pain, control -- or mix the search words -- control, medication, side-effects -- or chain the words together by adding the + sign -- pain+medication+control.

Final Tip:
Do the same search on another day. We continually strive to update or add new information.

Based on Simple Search created by Matt Wright.

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