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CancerLynx - we prowl the net
November 17, 2002

Directions for Web Accessibility
Alexandra Andrews, David Bradley and Eileen Pichersky

CancerLynx We Prowl the Netis committed to web accessibility. We took every effort in writing code for this website to ensure that the visually impaired, will feel welcome here.

For Blind and Low Vision Users,
we have written everything in text so that the web site can be accessed by a screen reader.

If you need to view text in a larger font or a different color, you can make necessary changes in your web browser. While browsers may vary according to name brand, (We are using Netscape Communicator 7.2 and Mozilla Firefox for the following directions) the font and color can be modified as follows:
To find the Preferences section, go to and click on Edit at the top of your Netscape browser.

To find the Preferences section, go to and click on Edit at the top of your Netscape browser. In Mozilla Firefox these are under Edit -> Preferences -> General -> Fonts & Colors

Just click the print button of your browser.

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